NEW YORK, May 07, 2014 (BUSINESS WIRE) — Rivada Networks announced today that the U.S. Patent Office has allowed its patent covering a method for determining the location of mobile devices even when GPS- and network-based location data are not directly available.
Rivada’s latest patent allows nearby mobile devices to triangulate off each other, taking advantage of modern devices’ accelerometers and other means to determine relative location and movement, independent of the availability of a device’s main network. The invention, the latest in a string of important innovations from Rivada, has applications ranging from location-aware social and commercial services to search-and-rescue and home-automation uses, including machine-to-machine communication.
“This peer-to-peer capability frees network resources and will speed the development of an ecosystem of a locally independent ‘Internet of things,'” Rivada CEO Declan Ganley said. “Having individual devices efficiently communicate directly with each other to establish awareness of each device’s position relative to others, and doing so while being radio resource efficient, is another game changing innovation from Rivada Networks.”
“Enhanced location-based information allows accuracy to within one meter or less,” Rivada’s Chief Technology Officer Clint Smith said. “This innovation allows for improved tracking of products, vehicles and personnel along with greater accuracy in buildings, tunnels and underground, where current technology is often unreliable.
“Among the many game-changing applications of this invention is greatly improved accuracy and reduced latency in the positional awareness of self-driving cars,” Smith added.
Remarkably for any patent application, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office allowed all 39 claims in the application without modification.